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31 October 2014

Lookbook: Cactus Rose



'Cactus Rose' Look-book by Spell & The Gypsy Collective
Photography - Ali Mitton
Model - Ashton Flutey
Styling & Art Direction - Spell Pennefather
H&M - Luciana Rose
Assistants - Amy Suriajaya & Declan Brown

'You laze inside your Gypsy Villa, where texture and colour fell in love, and trinkets tell their stories. The sound of distant motorbikes echo dusty streets, brightly painted walls peeling different shades of turquoise, the hint of incense on the air, the salt from a cold margarita lingers on your lips, the city holds it’s breath for another sunset… Our wanderlusting Spell muse, finds a momentary home in a far off land – it could be anywhere…'

Anything Spell does instantly captures my heart. It makes my longing for wanderlust even more intense than it usually is and allows my mind to wander with their beautifully curated visuals. Their newest collection, Cactus Rose makes me want to declare myself bankrupt and buy every item and live in it forever more. Especially the maxi leopard print dress which if I lived in a hot country, I would wear all year round becoming my go-to piece. Spell has stuck to their authentic, bohemian designs with the added seventies influence with lots of fringe, crochet and bell sleeves. Killing it like always. This is what London lacks.

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