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5 November 2014

Spicy Vegetable Stir Fry

It is currently four weeks until my first and biggest hand-in for this term, so things are a little hectic right now. My skin is at it's all time worse, my weight has heightened and my diet has become so poor. Everything is a little messy right now. However, my university work is gradually being done with productive days like today where I managed to start and finish my media law essay. So I need to now concentrate on myself and my health. My skin is most definitely showing how poorly I have been looking after myself lately. I mean my late night snack consists of Ben and Jerrys ice cream, that habit needs to stop now! This week is the beginning of my healthy diet again, I need to stick with it for the next thirty days so it becomes a new habit of mine to stick to the vegetables and ignore the junk!!!

I had a really bad craving for hummus and vegetable kebabs today, so what did I do? Snack on red pepper hummus and made myself to closest and healthiest thing to a vegetable kebab I could think of, a stir fry with lots of delicious vegetables. In this you have asparagus, broccoli, baby sweetcorn, mushrooms and two colours of peppers (next time I make this, I may add carrot and onion into the mix too). I simply boiled the broccoli and asparagus for 6-8 minutes and then chucked them along with everything else into a frying pan of coconut oil. To add some flavour I then covered the vegetables in basil, mixed herbs, paprika, garlic, chilli and salt. Oh my, it was delicious and so flavoursome. One of my new favourite meals and took no more than 10 minutes to make. If you want something a bit more filling, serve it on top a small portion of brown rice or noodles. 

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