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8 September 2014

Golden Spices and Leaves

September has started which means Autumn is brewing.

Personally, it's the most beautiful season no matter where you are in the world. Its the season where the scenery changes. Spring the flowers and the trees bloom. Autumn the flowers and trees become warmer hues of burnt orange and golden browns. The leaves crunch and snap as they fall to the ground. The children start preparing for their conker tournaments. Nature is so beautiful this time of year. Summer, the weather is warm but Autumn is where it gets warm inside. It gives you that warm fuzzy feeling. It's magical. You light up your house at night with the fames from the candles and fireplaces. Filling the area with the scent of spices such as cinnamon and pumpkin, the burning smell from the fire wood. The old, rugged blankets start to flow over your sofas and beds reminding you of childhood memories like sitting on them for picnics in the park or being wrapped and cuddled up to your parents.

The fashion starts to get more interesting as the layers start to build up. The textures start to become softer and thicker, The colours become warm and neutral. Your wardrobe consists of burnt orange, golden brown, khaki green, black, navy and warm creams and beiges.

The build up towards halloween begins. The magic and sparkle in peoples lives return as the tales of witches, ghouls, frankenstein and zombies are being told to little children. Costume shops are buzzing. The vegetable section in the supermarket starts to be filled with pumpkins. It prepares us for the cold, white season of winter and the magic of christmas. It gets warm before it gets cold.

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